Friday, July 23, 2010

Be still

Be still, Victorio.

Stop thinking.


Take action.



The Universe

Did you catch the double entendre, Victorio? I've still got "it"... and so do you

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Please tell anyone who wants to know

Please tell anyone who wants to know, Victorio, that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or a gigantic misunderstanding.

Because when people get clear and realize just how powerful they truly are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday.

The Universe

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

See their good

See their good, Victorio.

See nothing else.

Do it for you.

The Universe

This is how we roll, Victorio.

Friday, July 9, 2010

To young souls....and old souls...

To young souls, Victorio, there are good folks and bad folks.

To mature souls there are only good folks, though some do bad things.

And old souls, only see themselves.

I see you,
The Universe

And they love, love, love, Victorio.